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Erosion and Sediment Control for Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Development

This flexible duration course has been developed specifically to cover the theory and practice of Erosion and Sediment Control as it applies to Coal Seam Gas Development. The course is based on best practice as illustrated by the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control manual and the relevant State government legislation.

The course provides practical advice on the design and installation of both temporary and permanent measures used in construction of access roads and tracks, stream crossings, lease and drill site development and in the construction and management of ponds and drainage controls. Participants will learn about appropriate best management practices (BMPs) for erosion and sediment control; the acquisition of primary soils and climate data for calculations and will complete a number of workshop exercises in sizing and design. Further practical, field based exercises enable participants to plan typical erosion and sediment control measures and/or review current practices at one or more field sites. This course has been developed and delivered for major coal seam gas players both in Head Office and field locations. Typically the course is run over two or three days depending on the amount of fieldwork undertaken and the ease of access to suitable field sites.

Course content includes:

  • Legal Considerations
  • Corporate and Individual Responsibility
  • Understanding Soil Erosion
  • Assessment of Erosion Hazard
  • The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)
  • Soil and Water Interaction
  • Project Planning – Issues for Consideration
  • Erosion Control Best Management Practices
  • Site Stabilisation and Rehabilitation
  • Sediment Control Best Management Practices
  • Site Planning Exercise
  • In-stream Works
  • Obtaining Data for Design
  • Design Workshop – Preparation of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
  • Fieldwork

Who should attend?

Project Planning, Design and Scouting Staff, Construction Engineers, Contractors, Supervisors, Leading Hands, Environmental and Regulatory Officers working in the Coal Seam Gas Industry.

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