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Erosion and Sediment Control for Main Road Construction (Vol 2D of the Blue Book)

This one day workshop presents an opportunity to gain valuable skills outlined in volume 2D of the Blue Book, published by the Department of Environment and Climate Change. The workshop is designed for professionals working on main roads and highways who have an existing knowledge of the fundamentals of erosion and sediment control.

Course content includes:

  • What’s in the Blue Book Volume 2D and how does it fit in with Volume 1?
  • Common problems and mistakes on road construction sites
  • Erosion and Sediment Control principles on road construction sites
  • Applying best-practice erosion and sediment control techniques to road construction
  • Road design, contract specification and construction methods
  • Reading and preparing plans for erosion and sediment control on road construction sites
  • Constraints to successful erosion and sediment control on road construction sites
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